June 11, 2022

Dinosaurs Week Morning True or False (6-11-2022)

by Chompers

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Dinosaurs fossils are ONLY bones! Is this true or false?

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>> RACHEL: Good morning, and welcome to Chompers! Your morning and night tooth brushing show. 

Start brushing on one side the top of your mouth, and make little circles around each tooth. 

>> KIDS: 3-2-1 Brush!


>> RACHEL: It’s Dinosaurs Week, and today we have some tricky True/False for you! I’ll tell you a fact about dinosaurs, and you have to guess if it’s true... 


>> RACHEL: or false. 


>> RACHEL: Here’s your first one: 

Dinosaurs fossils are ONLY bones. 


So is that true or false? Are dinosaur fossils only bones?

Thumbs up if it’s true. Thumbs down if it’s false.


The answer is… false! 


>> RACHEL: Switch your brushing to the other side of the top of your mouth... 


>> RACHEL: -and don’t forget the molars in the way back.

>> RACHEL: A fossil is a sign of life that gets stuck in the earth and buried over time, but it doesn’t have to be a bone. Other things like eggs... 


>> RACHEL: -footprints...


>> RACHEL: -or plants... 


>> RACHEL: -can be fossils too. We might see dinosaur bones in museums, but other types of fossils can teach us just as much about how dinosaurs lived. 


>> RACHEL: Switch your brushing to the bottom of your mouth... 


>> RACHEL: -and brush your front teeth too.

Ready for your next true or false?

Scientists know how fast some dinosaurs could run.

So is that true or false? Do scientists know how fast some dinosaurs could run?

Thumbs up if it’s true. Thumbs down if it’s false.


>> RACHEL: The answer is… true! 


>> RACHEL: Scientists know how fast some dinosaurs can run because of their fossilized footprints! 

>> KID: What?

 >> RACHEL: I’ll explain after you switch your brushing to the other side of the bottom of your mouth…


>> RACHEL: -and give your tongue a brush too. 

Sometimes dinosaurs ran through the mud…


>> RACHEL: -and that mud would dry and turn to rock leaving their footprints behind as fossils! When scientists find these footprints, they can measure the size of the print, and the distance between each print, and use it guess how fast that dinosaur was running. 


>> RACHEL: This is just another way paleontologists use all types of fossils, to learn more about how dinosaurs lived. 



>> RACHEL: That’s all the time we have today for Chompers, but come back tonight for more True/False. But first,

>> KIDS: 3-2-1 Spit!


>> RACHEL: Chompers is a production of Gimlet Media.