July 28, 2022

World Records Week Night True or False (7-28-2022)

by Chompers

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The record for the most sausages made by hand in one minute by one person is 1000 sausages! Is that true or false?

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>> RACHEL: Ready to break your own record for the number of times you brush your teeth? 

>> KIDS: YES! 

>> RACHEL: Good, because it’s time for Chompers, your morning and night toothbrushing show.

Start brushing on the top of your mouth. Pick a side, and brush all the way to the molars in the way back.

>> KIDS: 3, 2, 1 brush!


>> RACHEL: It’s World Records Week. And tonight we have more true or false for you. I'll say something, and if you think it's true, thumbs up.


>> RACHEL: If you think it’s false, thumbs down. 


>> RACHEL: Here's your first one: 

The record for the most sausages made by hand in one minute by one person is... 1000 sausages! 


>> RACHEL: So what do you think? Can one person make 1000 sausages in one minute? 

Find out after you switch your brushing to the other side of the top of your mouth…


>> RACHEL: -and keep making tiny circles with your brush around each tooth.

The answer is… FALSE! 


>> RACHEL: 1000 sausages is WAY many. NO, the world record for the most sausages made in one minute is 78! 78 sausages made in one minute! That’s more than one sausage per second!


>> RACHEL: Made by one person! And that person is John Crowe. John Crowe has been making sausage since he was 13 years old!  He grew up making sausage at his father’s shop in Ireland. 

Switch to the bottom of your mouth…


>> RACHEL:  and keep brushing.

Here's another true or false: 

15 seconds is the fastest time a human has ever run 100 meters.

So is that true or false? Is 15 seconds the fastest time a human has ever run 100 meters?

The answer is… FALSE! 


>> RACHEL: Switch to the other side of the bottom of your mouth…


>> RACHEL: -and don’t forget those front teeth. 

To run 100 meters in 15 seconds is speedy. But not as speedy as Usian Bolt! Usian Bolt is a Jamaican athlete, and he’s the fastest human in the world! He once ran 100 meters in under 10 seconds.  9.58 to be exact.  

>> KIDS: WOW! 

>> RACHEL: When you see Usian running, it looks very easy for him. But he had to practice a lot to push his body to run that fast! 



>> RACHEL: That’s it for Chompers tonight. Until next time…

>>KIDS: 3, 2, 1 spit!