July 19, 2022

Bugs Week Night I Spy (7-19-2022)

by Chompers

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What's that bug with two big, brown wings? Find out on tonight's I Spy.

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>> Rachel: Hey there. It’s time for Chompers, your twice daily toothbrushing show!

It’s Bugs Week, and tonight we’ve got more interesting insects and amazing arachnids for you to learn about when we play I SPY.

But first, start brushing on the top of your mouth on one side, but don’t brush too hard

>> KIDS: 3, 2, 1 brush!

>> Rachel: Here’s your first I Spy. 

I see some bugs living in a big group, Called a colony, and there's a LOT of them. Like, thousands! They kinda look like ants, but their bodies are a little thicker, and they are kind of kind of clear, almost white colored. It looks like they are eating a piece of wood?

What bug do I spy? Shout it out!

>>GROUP: Termites!

>> Rachel: Termites!

Switch your brushing to the other side of the top of your mouth, and brush the inside, outside, and chewing side of each tooth. 

(Switch Bell)

>> Rachel: If you’ve ever seen a termite, chances are, that little guy wasn't alone. That's because termites are SOCIAL animals. They love to live in colonies with all of their buddies. Termite colonies can have MILLIONS of termites in them. And they are a real pest for humans, because these little guys love eating wood! Termites can damage houses and buildings by eating the wood that houses are built with. 

Switch to the bottom of your mouth, and give your tongue a brush too.

(Switch Bell)

>> Rachel: Here’s your next I SPY.

I see a bug flying on big, beautiful wings. It kind of looks like a butterfly, except it’s not colorful, this bug’s wings and body are mostly brown. 

What kind of bug is this? What do I spy? 

>>Group: A MOTH!

>> Rachel: A moth.

Moths are part of the same BUG FAMILY as butterflies. They both start out as hungry caterpillars before wrapping themselves up in a cocoon to grow their wings..


>> Rachel: -and fly away!

Switch to the other side of the bottom of your mouth and brush all the way to the molars in the back.

(Switch bell) 

>> Rachel: Moths mostly come out at night, and love to fly around light bulbs and lamps. Scientists think that's because moths use the light of the moon to help them figure out which way to go. When they see a lamp, they think its the moon and they get confused! 

That’s if for Chompers tonight.

Until next time, rinse before you…

>>Kids: 3, 2, 1, spit!