September 16, 2020

Tongue Twisters Week Night The Sixth Sick Sheik’s Sixth Sheep’s Sick (9-16-2020)

by Chompers

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How did the Sheik's sheep get sick? We may never know, but it's what we've got to say tonight!

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>> Rachel: Welcome back, it’s time for Chompers, your morning and night toothbrushing show. Start brushing on the top of your mouth on one side and brush in little circles around each tooth.

>> KIDS: 3, 2, 1 brush! 

>> Rachel: It’s Tongue Twisters week, and tonight we’ve got some particularly prickly phrases to trouble your tongue! I’ll go first, then you try! 

The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick


That one is hard but see if you can do it.

>> WALTER: The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick

>> Rachel: Why is that so hard?! I'll tell you after you switch your brushing to the other side of the top of your mouth, and brush the molars in the way back 

So what’s so tricky about The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick? It’s full of a particular CONSONANT. What’s a consonant? Well, it’s anything that isn't a vowel. (SFX I DON'T GET IT) 

Remember in English, vowels are the letters A, E, I, O, U. They make sounds like AHHH, and OOOOH. So consonants are all the other letters. Letters that make sounds like Buh and Kuh and RRRRRR. 

Switch your brushing to the bottom of your mouth, and don't forget those front teeth too. 

So now that we know about consonants, back to our tongue twister. So what's tricky about The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick is that you’re switching between consonant sounds.  it’s full of SH and THHH and Kuh sounds! Those sounds are pretty similar, and switching back and forth is pretty tricky for your brain and mouth! We did another tongue twister this week that also used the S and SH sounds a lot. Does this sound familiar?  She sells sea shells by the sea shore. 

(SFX laugh) 

Switch your brushing to the other side of the bottom of your mouth, and brush the inside, outside and chewing side of each tooth. 

Well now that you’re an expert on the Sss and SH consonant sounds, we’ve got one more tongue twister to see you off. 

The sheep’s ships slip sweetly to sleep. 

Got it? Now you try! 

>>Walter: The sheep’s ships slip sweetly to sleep. 

>> Rachel: That's tricky! I'm gonna have to practice that as I slip sweetly to sleep. (SFX snorring) 

That's it for Chompers tonight. Until next time, 

>> KIDS: 3, 2, 1 spit