September 11, 2020

Geography Week Night What's That Sound (9-11-2020)

by Chompers

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We're back with more natural noises on tonight's Chompers!

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>> RACHEL: Hey there, it’s time for Chompers. Your morning and night toothbrushing show. 

Start brushing on the top of your mouth, and make little circles with your brush around each tooth

>> KIDS: 3, 2, 1 brush!!

>> RACHEL: It’s Geography week and tonight we're playing more What’s That Sound. 

We’ll play a sound, and you have to guess what it is. 

Here’s your first one:

[SFX Water]


>> RACHEL: Here’s it is one more time: 

[SFX Water]

>> RACHEL: So what’s that sound?

>> GROUP: A waterfall!

>> RACHEL: Switch to the other side of the top of your mouth, and brush all the way to the back. 

A waterfall is when a river runs right a cliff or a hill (SFX FALL Whistle) and the water drops all the way down to the ground (SFX Splash!) The world’s tallest waterfall is called Angel Falls, in a country called Venezuela. It’s named after a man named Jimmie Angel flew an airplane to the top of the falls and got stuck and had to walk down. It was so high up that it took him 11 days to walk all the way down the mountain!

Switch your brushing to the bottom of your mouth, and brush your front teeth too.

Here’s your next sound: 

[SFX: thunder]

>> RACHEL: What was that? Here it is one more time: 

[SFX: thunder]

>> RACHEL: So what’s that sound? Shout it out.


>> RACHEL: Switch to the other side of the bottom of your mouth, but don’t brush too hard. 

Thunder is a sound that comes right after a lightning bolt strikes. (SFX Thunder) The sound is caused by lots of hot air moving around very, very quickly. (SFX Zoom!) But hundreds of years ago, some people used to think that thunder was caused by clouds bumping into each other! (SFX boink!) 

Well, that’s it for Chompers tonight, make sure you 

>> KIDS: 3, 2, 1 spit!