November 24, 2020

Space Week Morning I Spy (11-24-2020)

by Chompers

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Buckle up your spacesuits because today we are traveling deep into space with today's I Spy.

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>> Rachel: Welcome to Chompers! Your morning and night toothbrushing show! 

Start on the top of your mouth on one side, and make sure to brush the front, back and chewing side of each tooth. 

>> KIDS: 3, 2, 1 brush!

(SFX Blastoff) 


>> Rachel: It’s Space Week on Chompers, and today we’re gonna do a little I-Spy! That means I’ll describe an object to you, and you have to guess what I’m talking about!

Ok here we go.

I’m an astronaut, floating in space. I can see a big white ball, with lots of holes on it, called craters. But this white ball is entirely covered by a shadow on one side.  On the other side, the sun is hitting the other side making it look like it glows!

Before you shout out what I spy, switch your brushing to the other side of the top of your mouth, (SFX SWITCH) and make sure to brush in little circles around each tooth. 

Ok, what is this giant white orb floating in space next to Earth? What do I spy? Shout it out:


>> KID: The Moon!

>> Rachel: That’s right, the moon. If we zoomed in on the moon we’d also be able to spy the footprints of Neil Armstrong, the first astronaut to ever walk on the moon!  Here’s what he said when he landed.

(SFX That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind)

Switch your brushing to the bottom of your mouth (SWITCH SFX) but don’t forget your front teeth!

Here’s your next I-Spy: 

Here in space, there is so much to see. Swirling clouds of dust, twinkling stars, far off planets, but there’s one kind of thing I see that stands out. They are made of metal, and look like machines. There are so many of them circling around the earth, some of them have wings, or antennas. 

 What do I spy? Shout it out:


>> KID: Satellites!

>> Rachel: Satellites!

Switch your brushing to the other side of the bottom of your mouth, (SFX SWITCH) but don’t brush too hard. 

Here’s your last I Spy: 

If I fly past the moon, traveling further away from the sun, I can see a bright red planet. The surface looks dusty and dry. Looking through my telescope, I can even see a little robot on this planet. 

What do I spy? 

You’ll have to wait until tonight to find out! Come back to Chompers tonight for the answer. Until then, 

>>KID: 3, 2, 1 Spit!