August 15, 2020

School Week Night Jokes (8-15-2020)

by Chompers

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We'll give you the giggles if you STUDY the jokes from tonight's Chompers!

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>>RACHEL: Welcome back students! It’s time for  Chompers! Your morning and night tooth brushing show. 

Start brushing on one side of the top of your mouth, and brush the inside, outside, and chewing side of each tooth. 

>>KIDS: 3-2-1 Brush! 


>>RACHEL: It’s School Week, and tonight we have more reading, writing, and JOKES to keep you laughing.

Ready for your first one?

What’s the quickest way to study? 

>>KID: What is it?

>>RACHEL: Flash Cards! 


>>RACHEL: Switch your brushing to the other side of the top of your mouth…


>>RACHEL: -and brush your front teeth too. 

When you learn something new in school, sometimes you have to STUDY! That means looking at the same facts again and again until you know them REALLY well. A great way to study might be using FLASH CARDS! 


>>RACHEL: Flash Cards have a question on one side. 

>>KID: HUH? 

>>RACHEL: and answer on the other.

>>KID: OH! 

>>RACHEL: Here’s your next joke:

Why did the teacher start using markers?




>>RACHEL: Switch your brushing to the bottom of your mouth…


>>RACHEL: -and give your tongue a brush too.

Lots of teachers have chalkboards in the front of the room, so they can write things for the whole class to read. 


>>RACHEL: But some teachers use MARKERS instead of chalk. But if you’re BORED - B-O-R-E-D, it means it’s boring.


>>RACHEL: -and you want to try something new, like markers instead of chalk! 

Switch your brushing to the other side of the bottom of mouth…


>>RACHEL: -and don’t forget your molars in the back. 

Ready for one last joke? 

Why was the pencil a great student?

>>KID: Why? 

>>RACHEL: She was really SHARP! 


>>RACHEL: We sometimes say people are SHARP to mean that they’re CLEVER or smart. But a sharp pencil helps you write important information. Like this: 


>>RACHEL: That’s all the Chompers we have for you tonight,  but we’ll be back tomorrow for more clean teeth.

Until then,

>>KIDS: 3-2-1 SPIT!