September 17, 2020

Tongue Twisters Week Morning A Big Black Bug (9-17-2020)

by Chompers

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Today's tongue twister is a long one, but we've got Chompion Walter here to help us learn it.

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>> Rachel: Hey there! Get out your toothbrush because it’s time for Chompers, your morning and night toothbrushing show. 

Start brushing on the top of your mouth, pick a side. And brush all the way around each tooth

>> KIDS: 3, 2, 1 brush! 

I hope you’ve got your mouth muscles warmed up (SFX ME me Me me vocal warm up) because it’s Tongue Twisters week! Here’s your first one: 

A big black bug bit a big black bear on his big black nose! (SFX Rawr)  

Ready to try it? Our chompion Walter is here to shout it out.

>> Walter: A big black bug bit a big black bear on his big black nose! 

>> Rachel: Not bad! 

I’ll tell you why this tongue twister’s tricky after you switch to the other side of the top of your mouth, and spit if you need to

This is a tough tongue twister because your mouth is going back and forth between two pretty similar sounds. You might think G and K are pretty different letters, but when you use the sounds they make, your jaw and tongue are doing almost exactly the same movement. (SFX WHAT) The G sound guh guh guh guh, is really similar to the K sound kuh kuh kuh kuh. Try switching between guh and kuh over and over again, like this. 

Guh kuh guh kuh guh kuh

See how both sounds use the back part of your mouth?

Switch your brushing to the bottom of your mouth, and keep brushing

Well in our tongue twister the guh in Big is right before the kuh in black. And then there’s ANOTHER guh in bug!  A bi-guh blac-kuh bu-guh. That’s a lot of guh and kuh sounds! 

So now that we’re guh and kuh masters, are you ready for another tongue twister? (SFX YES) 

Here it is:

A good, cold, green, clean game came.

>> Walter: A good, cold, green, clean game came.

>> Rachel: Switch your brushing to the other side of the bottom of your mouth, and brush the inside, outside and chewing side of each tooth. 

Ok, we’ve got  A big black bug  bit a big black bear on his big black nose! And A good, cold, green, clean game came. Here’s one more Guh Kuh tongue twister before you go: 

Keen green glass globes grow on quick copper kettles.

You ready to give it a shot? 

>> Walter: Keen green glass globes grow on clipped copper kettles.

That’s our last tongue twister for today, but come back tonight for more puzzling phrases. Until then, 

>> KIDS: 3, 2, 1 spit.