October 8, 2020

In Charge Week Night True or False (10-8-2020)

by Chompers

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The commander of a space shuttle is in charge of food and beverages during a space mission. Is this true or false?

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>> Rachel: Hey there! It’s time for Chompers, your morning and night toothbrushing show.

Start brushing on the top of your mouth. Pick a side, and brush all the way to the molars in the way back.

>> KIDS: 3, 2, 1 brush!

>> Rachel: It’s In Charge Week. And tonight we have more true or false for you. I'll say something, and if you think it's true, give me a thumbs up. (SFX TRUE) If you think it’s false, thumbs down. (SFX)

Here's your first one: 

A store doesn’t need a person in charge.

So what do you think? Can a store be run without anyone in charge? 

The answer is… FALSE! (SFX FALSE)

Switch your brushing to the other side of the top of your mouth, and keep making tiny circles with your brush around each tooth.

There are tons of things to do to make sure a store can run like clockwork! (SFX) A store is often run by a whole team, with one person in charge. That person is the store manager. They are in charge of what happens every day in the store. 

So if a dog (SFX) runs in and steals a box of blueberries, (SFX SPLAT) the store manager makes sure it’s written down so no one wonders about the missing blueberries! The manager also makes sure the floor gets cleaned up so no one gets hurt  (SFX slip). 

Switch to the bottom of your mouth, and spit if you need to! 

Here's another true or false: 

The commander of a space shuttle is in charge of food and beverages during the space mission. 

So is that true or false? Is the captain of a spaceship is in charge of food and drink during the space mission?

The answer is… FALSE! (SFX FALSE) 

The commander of a space shuttle is not in charge of food or beverage. (SFX SPLAT) 

Switch to the other side of the bottom of your mouth, and don’t forget those front teeth. 

When a space shuttle is preparing to launch, people here on Earth load up the ship with all the food and drinks the astronauts will need. The commander of a space shuttle is in charge of the mission of the ship - that’s the job they were sent into space to do! (SFX) They’re also in charge of the safety of the crew and the shuttle, and sometimes steering the shuttle! (SFX) 

That’s it for Chompers tonight. Until next time, 

>> KIDS: 3, 2, 1 spit!