February 6, 2023

Sounds Week Night Quiz (2-6-2023)

by Chompers

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What body part inside your ear helps you hear sounds? Find out on tonight's Chompers!

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>> Rachel: Welcome back! It’s time for Chompers, your morning and night toothbrushing show. 

Start brushing on the top of your mouth on one side, and brush the inside, outside and chewing side of each tooth. 

>> KIDS: 3, 2, 1 brush!

>> Rachel: It’s Sounds week, and tonight we have an answer to the quiz (SFX QUIZ) from this morning. 

Our question was: which body part inside your ear helps you hear sounds? 

Is it: 

The eardrum? (SFX DRUM)

The ear retina? (SFX LASER)



The ear nostrils? (SFX SNIFF)

Ready for the answer? (SFX DRUMROLL) 

The answer is: The EARDRUM (SFX Drum)

Switch your brushing to the other side of the top of your mouth,  and make little circles with your brush around each tooth.

The eardrum is a very thin piece of skin INSIDE your ear that is stretched super tight, just like a real drum (SFX stretch). And it vibrates when sound waves HIT it. (SFX Springy boing) 

You HEAR sound … when the sound WAVES  travel through the air (SFX SLIDE WHISTLE), into your ear, and arrive at your eardrum (SFX DRUM).

Switch to the bottom of your mouth, and brush your front teeth too.  

Most people have one eardrum inside each ear! And right now each of  your eardrums are vibrating like crazy (SFX vibrations). That’s why you can hear my voice and all the sounds around you. 

We have two ears to help us figure out WHERE a sound is coming from.  If you hear something in your RIGHT ear -- you know the sound is to your right.

If you hear something in your LEFT ear -- you know the sound is to your LEFT.  Our two ears also help us know if a sound is in front of us, above us, or behind us.

Switch to the other side of the bottom of your mouth, and brush the molars in the way back. 

Your hearing is really helpful so it’s important to protect it!  If you’re in a place with loud sounds, cover your ears with your hands … or, if you go to places with loud music a lot, your grown-up might get you a special pair of headphones for HEARING PROTECTION so that your hearing doesn’t get hurt.

That’s it for Chompers tonight, but come back tomorrow for more SOUNDS. Until then... 

>> KIDS: 3, 2, 1 spit!