September 12, 2022

Tongue Twisters Week Morning She Sells Sea Shells (9-12-2022)

by Chompers

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Get ready to tie your tongue in knots because its Tongue Twisters Week, and we're starting it off with a classic!

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>> Rachel: Good morning, it's time for Chompers, your morning and night toothbrushing show. 

Start brushing on the top of your mouth, and brush the inside, outside, and chewing side of each tooth.

>> KIDS: 3, 2, 1 brush!

>> Rachel: Get your lips loose and your tongue trilling because it is (SFX drumroll) Tongue Twisters Week! 


>> Rachel: Tongue Twisters are phrases that are tricky for people to say. All week we’re going to be testing your speech skills with tongue twisters to tie your noodle in knots! I’ll say a part of the tongue twister (SFX BELL 1), then you’ll get a chance to repeat it (SFX BELL 2). Once you know the whole thing, we’ll put it all together (SFX BELLS TOGETHER). Ready for your first one? 


Before we start Switch your brushing to the other side of the top of your mouth, and brush the molars in the way back.

Ok here we go. Chompion Walter is here with us to practice:  

(SFX BELL 1) She sells sea shells by the sea shore. 

Your turn, Walter!

>> Walter: She sells sea shells by the sea shore. 

>> Rachel: Great. Here’s the next part:  (SFX BELL 1) The shells she sells are surely sea shells

>> Walter:  The shells she sells are surely sea shells

>> Rachel: It’s tricky right?! Don’t forget to keep brushing! (SFX BELL) And Switch to the teeth on the bottom of your mouth!

Ok so far we have: 

(SFX BELL 1) She sells sea shells by the sea shore. The Shells she sells are surely sea shells 

You try

>> Walter: She sells sea shells by the sea shore. The Shells she sells are surely sea shells 

>> Rachel: Here the next bit: 

(SFX BELL 1) So if she sells shells on the sea shore. 

>> Walter: So if she sells shells on the sea shore. 

Great! Here’s the last part

(SFX BELL 1) I’m sure she sells seashore shells 

>> Walter: I’m sure she sells seashore shells

Switch to the other side of the bottom of your mouth and brush your front teeth, too.

Ok, you ready? Time to put it all together! 

She sells sea shells by the sea shore. The shells she sells are surely sea shells. So if she sells shells on the sea shore, I’m sure she sells seashore shells. 

Alright you ready? Now it’s your turn!

Walter: She sells sea shells by the sea shore. The Shells she sells are surely sea shells. So if she sells shells on the sea shore. Im sure she sells seashore shells. 


And now you’ve got all day to practice. 

That’s all for this morning, but come back tonight for another mind melting tongue twister! Until then, 

>> KIDS: 3, 2, 1 spit!