August 17, 2020

Snacks Week Morning Quiz (8-17-2020)

by Chompers

Listen Now

You need taste buds to taste yummy snacks, but how many taste buds do most people have? Find out on today's SNACK QUIZ!

Where to Listen

>> Rachel: Hey you’re here! Welcome to Chompers, your morning and night toothbrushing show. 

Start brushing on the top of your mouth on one side, and make little circles with your brush around each tooth. 

>> Kids: 3, 2, 1 BRUSH!

>> Rachel: This week is going to be SNACKtastic because it’s SNACKS WEEK on Chompers. And today we’re giving you a QUIZ (SFX). 


>> Rachel: Before we get to the quiz, open your mouth, stick out your tongue and say ahhh! 

(SFX  Ahh) 

>> Rachel: Do you see the little pink bumps on your tongue? Good! Now let’s get back to brushing! 

Today’s quiz is all about those bumps and how they help your tongue TASTE all the delicious and nutritious snacks you like to eat!

Switch to the other side of the top of your mouth, (SFX BELL) and brush the molars in the way back 

Those teeny, tiny, itty bitty, pink bumps… are taste buds! Taste buds are what tell your brain what you’re tasting. 


>> Rachel:So our quiz question is - how many taste buds does the average human tongue have?

More than 20 taste buds 

(SFX short slurp)

>> Rachel: More than 200 taste buds

 (SFX medium slurp)

>> Rachel: More than 2,000 taste buds 

(SFX long sluuuurp)

>> Rachel: Switch to the bottom of your mouth, and brush your front teeth too. 


>> Rachel: The taste buds on your tongue touch your food when you lick something. Then they send a message to your brain (SFX TESLA COIL/electric sounds) telling you if the food is yummy (SFX YUM!) or yucky (SFX kid: YUCK). 

Food can have 5 different tastes. It can taste SWEET like sugar or SALTY like well, salt. It can be SOUR like a lemon or BITTER like broccoli.  Or a food can have UMAMI. which is another way of saying “lots of flavor!” 

Switch to the other side of the bottom of your mouth, and give your tongue a brush too (SFX)

>> Rachel: The tongue isn’t the only place you have taste buds. They’re all over your mouth! Inside your cheeks, on your lips, and even in the back of your throat. (SFX Clears Throat). 

So back to today’s quiz. We want to know: how many taste buds does the average human tongue have?

More than 20 taste buds 

(SFX short slurp)

>> Rachel: More than 200 taste buds

 (SFX medium slurp)

>> Rachel: More than 2,000 taste buds 

(SFX long sluuuurp)

>> Rachel: Come back to Chompers tonight to hear the answer! Until then…

>>Kids: 3, 2, 1 spit!