August 19, 2019

History Week Morning Time Travel

by Chompers

Background show artwork for Chompers
It's HISTORY Week, so get ready to head back in time because we’re hopping into our imaginary time machine!

Where to Listen



>> Rachel: Good morning! It’s time for Chompers, your morning and night toothbrushing show. 

Start brushing on the top of your mouth on one side and brush the inside, outside, and chewing side of each tooth. 

>> KIDS: 3, 2, 1 brush!!

>> Rachel: It’s HISTORY Week on Chompers! Get ready to-

>> Zac: What’s history? 

>> Rachel: Oh hey Zac! History is the past! The past is what happened before today. So that includes .. yesterday and ... thousands and millions of years ago. 

>> Zac: Got it. The past already happened.

>> Rachel: Switch your brushing to the other side of the top of your mouth…


>> Rachel: -and keep brushing. 

And so, when you explore or learn about history, you’re learning about people from the past!

>> Zac: Like my great great grandmother

>> Rachel: And you also look at PLACES from the past.

>> Zac: Like my great great grandmother’s house!

>> Rachel: And you can also look at objects from the past. 

>> Zac: Ah, like my great great grandmother’s glasses!

>> Rachel: And finally, when you study history, you look at events from the past. 

>> Zac: So like when my great great grandmother first got her glasses!

>> Rachel: Sort of … I’ll explain after you switch to the bottom of your mouth…


>> Rachel: -and brush the molars in the way back.

History is made up of stories -- like, the time your great great grandmother getting her glasses.  But those little stories are part of BIG stories -- So your great great grandma’s story of getting her glasses is actually part of the bigger story from history -- when glasses were invented and people could finally see better!

History is the stories of groups of people, of a city, a country, a continent, of the world!  

Switch to the other side of the bottom of your mouth…


>> Rachel: -and brush your front teeth too. 

Going back and learning about the stories from history is really fun - it’s sort of like having a time machine! So this week, for History Week, we’re hopping into our imaginary time machine       and going to different places, traveling to different times, meeting different people, and discovering different objects from history! Starting tonight!



>> Rachel: Find out where in history we landed tonight, until then…

>> KIDS: 3, 2, 1 spit! 


History Week Day 1 (Night) - Antarctica / Explorer & Treaty


>> Rachel: Welcome back, it’s time for Chompers, your morning and night toothbrushing show. 

It’s History Week. And we’re using our imaginary time machine to land in different places and times in the world. I’ll describe something, and you’ll have to guess what in history I spy!

Start brushing on the top of your mouth on one side, and brush the inside, outside, and chewing side of each tooth. 

>> KIDS: 3, 2, 1 brush!


>> Rachel: Ok, it’s time to time travel! 



>> Rachel: I’ve landed back some hundred years ago. I spy a land covered with ice and snow. It’s the coldest and wildest place I’ve ever seen. Looking at my map it looks like … I’m at the South Pole!!! And look, here comes a man and his team. They are using skis and dog sleds to get around.

Hey Time Machine: Who do I spy?

>> TIME MACHINE: Roald Amundsen and his team!

>> Rachel: Switch to the other side of the top of your mouth…


>> Rachel: -and keep brushing.

We’ve traveled to December 19th, 1911.  ROALD AMUNDSEN and his team were the first men to reach the South Pole in Antarctica. The South Pole is very hard to get to and so about a hundred years ago, explorers went on a sort of race to finally explore the mysterious continent. That time was called the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration!

Switch to the bottom of your mouth…


>> Rachel: -and brush the molars in the way back.

Ok let’s jump back in our time machine:  


>> Rachel: Ok I’ve landed in a different place - this isn’t the Antarctic because it’s warmer.  Now I’m in a room with a bunch of important looking people -- they’re from countries all over -- Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, and even more country leaders.They are signing a paper. I’m gonna look over someone’s shoulder and see what it says -- Hmmmm, it about taking care of the Antarctic.

What do I spy? What is this paper?

Find out after you Switch your brushing to the other side of the bottom of your mouth…


>> Rachel: -but don't brush too hard.

So Time Machine, what do I spy?



A treaty is an agreement. And the Antarctic Treaty is an agreement that says that nobody can own the Antarctic.  The treaty also says that the land can be used for scientific exploration but there are special rules to protect the animals that live there.  More than 40 countries signed the agreement, and the Antarctic is now one of the largest protected areas in the world. 


>> Rachel: You did a good job protecting your teeth, don’t forget to come back tomorrow.  Until then…

>>KIDS: 3, 2, 1 spit!