July 29, 2022

World Records Week Night Jokes (7-29-2022)

by Chompers

Background show artwork for Chompers

After eating the world’s largest pizza, what did the world champion eater do next? The answer might make you chuckle!

Where to Listen



Welcome back, it’s time for Chompers your morning and night toothbrushing show. 

Start brushing on the top of your mouth on one side, and brush all the way to the molars in the back.

>>KIDS: 3, 2, 1 brush!


>> RACHEL: It’s World Records Week, and tonight we’ve got more silly jokes. So get ready to break some laughing records.


>> RACHEL: That’s a start. 

Here’s your first one: 

Why did the world’s tallest man quack?

>>KIDS: Why?

>> RACHEL: He was constantly being told to “duck”!



>> RACHEL: Switch your brushing to the other side of the top of your mouth…


>> RACHEL: -and brush the inside, outside, and chewing side of each tooth.

>> RACHEL: You may know a duck as a bird that goes…


>> RACHEL: -but when a person ducks, they are bending down. So the tallest man in the world might have to duck - a lot to move through small doors or places with low ceilings. And someone might ask him to duck - or bend - to give him a kiss. 


>> RACHEL: But there’s no need to quack about it! 


>> RACHEL: Switch to the bottom of your mouth…


>> RACHEL: -and don’t forget your front teeth.

Here's your next joke:

After eating the world’s largest pizza, what did the world champion eater do next?

>>KIDS: What?


>> RACHEL: She took the world’s longest nap!



>> RACHEL: Get it ? Sometimes after a big meal, you need a big nap! 


>> RACHEL: I’ll tell you more after you switch to the other side of the bottom of your mouth…


>> RACHEL: -and give your tongue a brush, too.

Here’s one last joke before you go: 

>> RACHEL: Knock knock

>>KIDS: Who’s there?


>> RACHEL: World’s most repetitive knock-knock joke!


>> KIDS: World’s repetitive knock-knock joke who?


>> RACHEL: Knock knock


>> KIDS: Who’s there?


>> RACHEL: World’s most repetitive knock-knock joke!


>>KIDS: World’s repetitive knock-knock joke who?


>> RACHEL: Knock knock.

>> KIDS: Who’s there?


>> RACHEL: World’s most repetitive knock-knock joke!


>> KIDS: World’s repetitive knock-knock joke who?


>> RACHEL: Knock knock




>> RACHEL: That’s it for Chompers tonight. You did a good job laughing and brushing. Until next time,

>> KIDS:  3, 2, 1 spit!