December 14, 2017

5. Olympic Masters/How Penguin Office Became a Thing

by Story Pirates

Background show artwork for Story Pirates

This week on The Story Pirates Podcast, the crew gets frazzled when they realize they are almost out of kids’ stories to perform, and Story Pirate Meghan reveals one of her awesome superpowers. 

This week’s episode features two new stories: “Olympic Masters,” written by a first grader from Pennsylvania named Edie and “How Penguin Office Became a Thing,” written by a third grader from Virginia Beach named Eric. 


Don’t forget to check out the Story Pirates online for an exclusive coloring book with pages that correspond with each episode. Check out to submit stories, official Story Pirates merch, and tour dates for our upcoming shows! Also, use #StoryPirates on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to show us your kids finished masterpieces. 

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